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The Video Game Accomplishments Thread


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Offline Nario

Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #60 on: November 30, 2008, 07:31:18 pm »
I forgot to mention

Final Fantasy VII
Beat Ruby Weapon before fighting Emerald Weapon. I did not use Knights of the Round, Mime, or the 7777 attack. It took me 60 hours to prepare for the fight.

Offline Luxray

Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #61 on: December 01, 2008, 04:51:19 am »
Well....i can't really say much.

NFS: 4-10
100% completion

Sonic Advance 1-3
Legit 100% Finish

Mario Kart Ds/Wii
Triplestar rank for all missions and GPs

GT3 and 4
100% Completion

...i like the fact that most of these games involve speed or racing :3
<+DsS|away> eat a dick
<+GerbilSoft> actually i could

<Umbreon> sleeping with cruizer is awesome

Offline Alondite

Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #62 on: December 01, 2008, 06:14:37 am »
I forgot to mention

Final Fantasy VII
Beat Ruby Weapon before fighting Emerald Weapon. I did not use Knights of the Round, Mime, or the 7777 attack. It took me 60 hours to prepare for the fight.

Hey that reminds me of something.  Beat Emerald Weapon without manually attacking.  I forgot my exact strategy, but it involved Cover, and mass Counter Attacks with Yuffie.

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Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #63 on: December 01, 2008, 07:13:30 am »
Eh, heck.  I guess I have a couple....

Sonic Heroes: Beat Super Hard mode.  Ironically, easier than about half of Team Chaotix' A ranks.

Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb: Beat expert mode (forget what they called it) with all artifacts.  Twice.  I dare you to try it, you'll probably give up around the start of the third locale.

Frogger (1997 Windows version): 100% completion.  You think I'm kidding, but I doubt many people outside this site can say that.  Easily one of the hardest games I've ever played.

Frogger 2: Also 100% completion, that's all coins, all gold medals, and hard mode beaten.

Sid Meier's Pirates: This one requires some explanation.  If you're at sea long enough, your crew will eventually mutiny, and you'll be required to divide your plunder amongst your crew.  Dividing the plunder is undesirable, as it then requires a 6-month in-game wait before your next voyage, and the game will force end if you're old enough (determined by difficulty and special items).  So it's better to hold off on that as long as possible.  WELL.  The way the game is written, getting more gold improves crew morale.  Yet there is a glitch present (I don't think it's intentional), that if you get 1000 gold for each member of your crew, they'll never mutiny (3000 gold and they'll remain permanently happy, which brings benefits during ship battles).  Never mutiny means the game can continue forever.  It's hard to do.  I've done it twice.  It pretty much requires the ability to sack multiple treasure ships (each with ~200 crew) with a crew of under 30, and to do so within the space of a few months (and these things are hard to find and catch).  I've done it twice (on easy, yes, but still) and the second time was on the first voyage of the game.
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Offline Crowbar

Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #64 on: December 01, 2008, 07:41:28 am »
Final Fantasy VII
Beat Ruby Weapon before fighting Emerald Weapon. I did not use Knights of the Round, Mime, or the 7777 attack. It took me 60 hours to prepare for the fight.

What was your strat exactly? And how long did the actual fight last? :P

I have no recent achievements. I Sonic Chronicles I guess. It's pretty bad.

Offline Alondite

Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #65 on: December 01, 2008, 08:19:51 am »
My list of achievements is...quite long...and I can't remember everything.  Anyway, some of the things I've done..

*note* EVERYTHING was done without the assistance of a guide of any sort.

F-Zero GX:

 Ok, now this game is HARD.  I managed to beat every story chapter on very hard, beat every cup on master with every character, and beat every staff ghost.

Metroid Prime:

I managed a 1:07 speedrun

Legend of Zelda:

2nd Quest without dying.  On a side note, I first beat the 2nd quest when I was about 6 years old.  In the 1st quest I did a 3 heart no-death run...have yet to manage that on the 2nd quest run though.

Soul Calibur 2:

I beat arcade mode in 37 seconds, I think.  I'll have to check again, but I'm pretty sure it's 37

Final Fantasy X this one took forever.  First, through massive bribe and steal hax, I replaced and filled almost, if not all of the sphere's on FFX's sphere grid with max stat ups (like +4s and whatnot), cleared the grid with every character, beat every arena monster, built an undefeated, max level blitzball team, and obtained at least one of every item in the game...without a guide.  My file reads like...500+ hours.

Excitebike 64

I beat every one of Matt Flees' records on CS by a fairly substantial margin.  I haven't posted them's CS >_> AND because the save on my N64 cart is dead :(.  I'll redo it on a ROM sometime.

Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

All A rank.  Not a big achievement here at TSC, but still an achievement nonetheless.

Halo 2

Level 45 online.  Would have hit 50, but the ranks were reset...and I have yet to play again.  Yeah, I know "lol Halo" and I agree, but around here there are a lot of Halo players, and together we are a pretty pwnsome team. Also, if I had Halo 3 I surely would have been able to reach 50 in that.

Well...I'll add to the list as I remember things...and get more time because I'm supposed to be writing a paper right now >_>

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Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #66 on: December 01, 2008, 03:11:52 pm »
Donkey Kong Land 2
100% completion.

The Lost World: Jurassic Park (Saturn)
Completed the game. Human hunter stages are pretty hard (and awesome).

Driver (PlayStation)
Completed the fucking last mission within an hour without using cheats.

Perfect Dark
Completed all missions on Perfect Agent.

Star Wars: Rogue Leader
Got 8 gold medals.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Got all heart pieces. A few are really good hidden.

I didn't use guides to accomplish anything of the above.

GT3 and 4
100% Completion

Try achieving the same on Gran Turismo 2. I'm stuck at 99.54%. >_>
Fail collection: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
:o - :O - X) - :D

Offline Aitamen

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Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #67 on: December 01, 2008, 05:21:40 pm »
Oh I wouldn't question yours, my Skyly friend, not at all.  Just correcting that it indeed can be done.

I play on XBOX and have a modded XBOX.  I can port the PSO Files to my XBOX via LAN and hex-edit them via comp...  a bit of tinkering and I found out how to mess with a variety of things.  There are three ways to hack in weapons.  One is to change the drop rate and/or replace drop items (for example, I could recompile the game to drop a Sealed-J sword anytime that a forest rappy would drop a monomate and go slaughter rappies), and the other is to change the initial-equip of new characters, build new characters and swap in those weapons to your main character. The third is to hack a save file.  Most would modify initial equip, as it's fewer variables to toy with, but as you get no enemy%, it yields a very noticible weapon.  While harder, modifying drop-rates it quite a bit better for the weapon itself...

Save-file hacking is rather rare, as it tends to be quite the hassle, as there are no "blank" values with which you can fix the checksum, and there's an 8-digit-hex checksum to boot...  I'm sorry if this makes no sense, but if you're really curious at all I'd be able to send a PM.  To date, I've not heard of anyone in the XBOX community hacking a save-file.

To the GC (Mod-chipped to play modded/pirated games), this translates to people re-compiling the game onto a new disk and building characters with said disk ^_^
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

Offline Taillow

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Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #68 on: December 01, 2008, 05:50:15 pm »
Well, I certainly didn't see this...because I wasn't around in 2004/5 <_<

I can't think of many, but...

Viewtiful Joe: Beaten on the hardest difficulty with Joe.  Most annoying thing I've ever done.  Maybe.

F-Zero GX: Got EVERYTHING except all staff ghosts without use of AX.  Unfortunately, my data deleted afterwards >_>
Either way, I still have everything, but with some use of AX so I only recompleted hard mode of some story missions.  But basically, what Alondite said, but only one cup minimum on master with each character and lack of staff ghosts.

Mega Man X6: Beaten
* Taillow shot
This is a joke one, since the above two are much more of an achievement than this.

Mario Golf Toadstool Tour: Got every character
My data deleted TWICE.  Both times after getting Bowser Jr.  That means I had to complete the 18 hole birdie challenge THREE TIMES.  NEVER AGAIN.

Donkey Kong Jungle Beat: All platinum (Woo)

Mega Man games: All robot masters buster only!

I'm sure I have more, but those ones stand out in memory.

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Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #69 on: December 02, 2008, 08:33:47 am »
Oh I wouldn't question yours, my Skyly friend, not at all.  Just correcting that it indeed can be done.

I play on XBOX and have a modded XBOX.  I can port the PSO Files to my XBOX via LAN and hex-edit them via comp...  a bit of tinkering and I found out how to mess with a variety of things.  There are three ways to hack in weapons.  One is to change the drop rate and/or replace drop items (for example, I could recompile the game to drop a Sealed-J sword anytime that a forest rappy would drop a monomate and go slaughter rappies), and the other is to change the initial-equip of new characters, build new characters and swap in those weapons to your main character. The third is to hack a save file.  Most would modify initial equip, as it's fewer variables to toy with, but as you get no enemy%, it yields a very noticible weapon.  While harder, modifying drop-rates it quite a bit better for the weapon itself...

Save-file hacking is rather rare, as it tends to be quite the hassle, as there are no "blank" values with which you can fix the checksum, and there's an 8-digit-hex checksum to boot...  I'm sorry if this makes no sense, but if you're really curious at all I'd be able to send a PM.  To date, I've not heard of anyone in the XBOX community hacking a save-file.

To the GC (Mod-chipped to play modded/pirated games), this translates to people re-compiling the game onto a new disk and building characters with said disk ^_^

Oh, ok no problem :p, wow I've seen sometimes people saying things about hex editing saves and other stuff since I played in dreamcast, but this is purely awesome! I don't have any knowledge about hex editing, the closiest thing I did was create a code breaker code to make 30 items, one in each slot, in dreamcast, but I've never did hex edit, I would like to know at least the basics, if you can really send me a PM, it would be a pleasure ^_^, since I can use this type of knowledge to help the schtserv team. Thanks
My SA2 patents: Instant Spindash, Green Forest's invisible floor, Green Forest's spring technique, Radical Highway's flying homing attack, Gravity Control, Flying Scope   <- NEW


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Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #70 on: December 02, 2008, 03:30:08 pm »
I forgot these:

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Rescued all but one enslaved Mudokons on my first play through. >_> By the way, this game is awesome.

Spot Goes to Hollywood (Saturn)
100% completion.
Fail collection: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
:o - :O - X) - :D

Offline Aitamen

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Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #71 on: December 02, 2008, 07:58:14 pm »
I'm reminded of a few more, in reading this.


Built an Auto-game strat to get everyone to full 255 in FF7 (all stats to 255 via sources w/ only 11 hours manual input) (If curious ask, I'll relay)
I got Aeris to around L70 on my first playthrough and I'm proud to say I found her ultimate limit break without a guide...  thus, I was happy she died, as even though I'm a PLer, I found that ivnc in an RPG is bullshit.
Also on that note, cacem up with a materia setup that allowed me to single-input defeat emerald (I used Cloud's omnislash, and set the controller down and made myself a sandwich...  I won ^_^)  I did this because I didn't have the underwater materia.

MM Series
I've completed all 23 "real" games(1-8, x1-x8, MM&B, ZX1-4) in some form of challenge mode (Initial equip, no damage... except 7 and x7... those I was just happy to finish)

Auto-level strat for FF7, FF8, FF9 (this one took some doing...), FFX, FFX2, FFXII (though someone else found it first, I found it as well) SO2, KH, Xenosaga ep1, FF3j(NES), FF6, PS4 (Super slow and practically useless, but it does go infinite...), and a few others, I think...

I have 100% completed SMet and Met1 (GBA Classic collection, but so far as I know nothing was changed).

Abe's Odyssey was SO pro...  I missed 8, I think, on my first playthrough, but I did go back and get them all the second time around.

Also, since Alondite posted it, I had an FFX save file with 100% sphere grid  (255 all stats, 9999 or ~65khp, 999mp, all characters filled) by using the Cactaur King exploit and picking up 99 s-levels per battle, and then gaining spheres by killing the monsters in the arena.  Also had all ultimate weapons and max stats and all abilities for Aeons, as well as all of the missable items.  I used someone else's chart for an easy way to organize all the spheres on the grid, and I used a guide for how to get No Encounters (more accurately, where to find the things that drop candles...).  I believe it to have been a perfect file, so far as I know it can be.

This was a 748 hour save, with at least 650 of manual input (I probably left it running more than once...)

Also of note, my best friend (The tallest guy in those group photos in "Post your face"), has fully completed F-0GX, including staff ghosts, without snaking.  He's got so much dedication I'm amazed he doesn't do more...

Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

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Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #72 on: December 02, 2008, 08:40:26 pm »
Super Mario World:  all 96 exits

Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island:  100pts for all stages including extra stages

Crash Bandicoot:  100%

Crash Bandicoot 2 Cortex Strikes Back:  100%

Crash Bandicoot 3 WARPED:  105%

Hot Shots Golf 2:  beat every cpu in VS. Mode (except those japanese players)

Jet Moto:  unlocked everything

Mortal Kombat 4:  unlocked everything

Spyro The Dragon:  100%

Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage:  100%

Spyro Year of the Dragon:  100%

Tomba 2 The Evil Swine Return:  main quest and all side quests completed (except for the Tomba 1 exclusive quests)

Tomb Raider 3:  all secrets and last stage beaten

Tony Hawk Pro Skater:  100% all skaters in stats and story

Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2:  100% all skaters in stats and story, all gaps completed (this wasn't easy), all cheats, all movies...hell I did everything possible in this game.

Twisted Metal 2:  all stories completed

Twisted Metal 3:  all stories completed (this was shit)

Wild 9:  beaten on all difficulties (there really isn't much to do in this game once you beat it)

Wipeout XL:  all tracks, ships, and classes unlocked

Burnout 3 Takedown:  100% (not easy)

Burnout Revenge:  almost 100%, I'm missing 2 cars.

Crazy Taxi:  completed Crazy Box...>_>

Devil May Cry:  beaten on all difficulties with all characters

Devil May Cry 2:  almost the same as part 1, but I got bored when doing LCD.

Devil May Cry 3 Dante's Awakening:  beaten all difficulties

Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition:  all difficulties beaten with Virgil, Bloody Palace beaten

Dynasty Warriors 2:  all but 3 characters left to max in stats

Dynasty Warriors 3:  all characters maxed in stats, all weapons obtained, all items.

Dynasty Warriors 3 Xtreme Legends:  all but 3 last weapons obtained, all bonus items obtained, 1 special costume, last stage, bonus music unlocked.

Dynasty Warriors 4 Xtreme Legends:  all characters maxed, all but 2 weapons obtained, all items obtained

Dynasty Warriors 5:  all characters stats maxed, all weapons obtained, all items obtained, all items maxed in stats, all characters at 60000 pts.

Gauntlet Dark Legacy:  all starter characters at lvl 90 (I know 99 is the max, but I only did it to see everyone's final costumes)

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas:  100% (avoided anything that didn't have to do with percentage...except for unique jumps because those are fun...80/80 jumps btw >_>)

Grand Theft Auto Vice City:  100%

Midnight Club:  all cars and tracks unlocked

Onimusha Dawn of Dreams:  I did everything except finish critical mode

Onimusha Warlords:  all modes beaten, beaten oni puzzle...thingy (forgot the name)

Onimusha 2 Samurai's Destiny:  all modes beaten except critical mode (I really need to do this someday), story chart 100%, all costumes unlocked, was able to use all 5 characters in 1 playthrough, all necklaces obtained.

Onimusha 3 Demon Siege:  all modes beaten (yes, even critical >_<), all costumes unlocked, all training completed (not easy)

Ridge Racer 5:  all cars and models unlocked, all tracks unlocked, all modes unlocked and beaten.  99 lap mode beaten (took about an hour 30 to do, made me glad it was a short track and I got 1st on my 1st try)

Samurai Warriors:  all characters stats maxed, all weapons obtained

Samurai Warriors: Xtreme Legends:  all characters new stats maxed, all weapons obtained, all endings unlocked.

Samurai Warriors 2:  all character stats maxed, all weapons obtained.

Smuggler's Run:  100%

Spy Hunter:  100%  (easy ass game, took it back after 3 days of having it)

SSX:  all characters maxed, all boards, all tracks, all character trick books completed

SSX Tricky:  same as SSX

We Love Katamari:  all but 1 planet is glowing (DAMN YOU ZOO!)

F-Zero GX:  all GP difficulty modes beaten, all characters unlocked, all endings unlocked, story mode beaten on every difficulty, all tracks unlocked, all parts unlocked, all staff ghosts unlocked.

Mario Party 4:  all characters stories beaten...actually I didn't do this, my cousin made a new file and she did it herself, even unlocked the bonus games and such. 

Mario Party 5:  everything except buy all battle mode parts

Metroid Prime:  100% items, 100% scans (I pity the fool who hasn't done either)

Metroid Prime 2 Echoes:  100% items, 100% scans (I did both my first game)

Resident Evil 4:  all modes beaten, every gun unlocked, 300K in Castle on Mercs!

Shadow The Hedgehog:  100%...except for all endings (I'm not doing that shit)

Sonic Adventure 2 Battle:  180 emblems, all immortal chao created

Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut:  all emblems obtained, all missions completed, all GG games unlocked.

Sonic Gems Collection:  100% gallery, all games unlocked

Sonic Heroes:  I broke it into 50 pieces and sent each one to a different country randomly with a note detailing how to destroy said piece. 

Sonic Mega Collection:  all games unlocked (very tedious, but you get Ristar!)

Sonic Riders:  story mode completed, all missions S ranked

Soul Calibur 2:  100%

Super Mario Sunshine:  121 shines get!

Super Monkey Ball:  all floors unlocked and completed

Super Monkey Ball 2:  all floors unlocked and completed, everything else unlocked, all 99 lives bought.  (for both this and SMB1, I still haven't done maximum play points like Miles has...that wonderful bastard)

Super Smash Bros. Melee:  100%, except for all special messages (fuck getting 1mil Vs matches)

Viewtiful Joe: all difficulties beaten, all characters unlocked, have not beaten it as Alastor :(

Viewtiful Joe 2:  same as VJ1, except there are still some Chambers I've yet to unlock or beat.

Sonic and the Secret Rings:  everything except for all titles

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption:  100% items, 100% scans, all bonus content bought, all difficulties beaten

Super Mario Galaxy:  all 242 stars

Tomb Raider Anniversary:  100%...3 times >_> (I'll do it again and again and again...)

Super Smash Bros. Brawl:  everything except for all stickers...and 2 days ago, I gotten the 4,999 Vs. Match message

Mega Man 9:  all DLC bought...>_>

I'm not going to list games that I've rented or borrowed.
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

Completed Runs:
Sonic Heroes: Team Sonic: SS
Rocket Knight Adventures: Easy (US): SS

In the Future:
Aero The Acrobat (Genesis) | More...

Offline Aitamen

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Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #73 on: December 02, 2008, 10:34:06 pm »
I have that DW3 accomplishment... ^_^

Also, I beat all of JM2, with all but the lightest bike (and yes, I did start playing w/ enigma...)
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

Offline Luxray

Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #74 on: December 02, 2008, 11:56:17 pm »
GT3 and 4
100% Completion

Try achieving the same on Gran Turismo 2. I'm stuck at 99.54%. >_>

Lol...i was like that for GT4 for a while. Damn rallys v_v
<+DsS|away> eat a dick
<+GerbilSoft> actually i could

<Umbreon> sleeping with cruizer is awesome

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Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #75 on: December 03, 2008, 08:24:51 am »
What was your problem with rallies? I won all races on GT2. I think I didn't get 100% because of a car I missed or the fact that I didn't master licenses (which is tedious).
Fail collection: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
:o - :O - X) - :D

Offline Azure

Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #76 on: December 03, 2008, 09:13:07 am »
I've beaten every Sonic game I've owned within the first few days. Rush Adventure only took 2 days of on and off playing, and I can do a runthrough of most 3d games in a few hours.

Offline Mo

Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #77 on: December 03, 2008, 04:52:31 pm »
The only game that I beat was Sonic Heroes.
Shortcuts I have discovered: SSR Skeleton Dome Mission 12 Gate ditch, SA2 Battle: spring dodge.

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Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #78 on: December 03, 2008, 07:14:12 pm »
The only accomplishment that I -really- care about is that I've even fucking beaten Heroes. I despise it with a burning passion.

Although sure I guess it's impressive that I beat GH3 on Hard within a couple weeks
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Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #79 on: December 20, 2008, 03:45:22 am »
Crash Bandicoot 3 WARPED:  105%
Damn you. One gem (one of the Coco jetski levels, can't remember which one) evades me. >:O!!!

Sonic Heroes:  I broke it into 50 pieces and sent each one to a different country randomly with a note detailing how to destroy said piece. 
I'm surprised there wasn't a "shit" somewhere in there. >_> <_<

Also... I beat the Genesis version (which has extra, more difficult levels compared to the SNES version) of The Lost Vikings solo, with a 3-button controller (annoying when you have to drop a bomb while moving, as you use items with Start+C but switching characters is Start+Left/Right, so if your timing's off, you either die because you have to drop that bomb at a specific point, you switch and explode, or somehow you pull it off), on console (i.e. without savestates for the annoying deaths).
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline Luxray

Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #80 on: December 20, 2008, 04:00:03 am »
What was your problem with rallies? I won all races on GT2. I think I didn't get 100% because of a car I missed or the fact that I didn't master licenses (which is tedious).

It was the iA level rallies that always got me. in particular. The last one on the list...forgot the level name but it was combined with El Capitan's Road course.
<+DsS|away> eat a dick
<+GerbilSoft> actually i could

<Umbreon> sleeping with cruizer is awesome

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Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #81 on: December 20, 2008, 06:14:48 am »
Sonic 3 & Knuckles:

Won the latest TSC race! <_<
Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #82 on: December 20, 2008, 08:01:24 pm »
Castle Crashers
Got two characters to level 99.  Though it might have been a tad better if I didn't use experience exploits...

Elite Beat Agents
Got an S-rank on every song (19 songs) on every difficulty (four difficulties) as well as over 100 million points total.

Guitar Hero II
Passed and 5-starred Jordan on Expert

Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
5-starred all the songs on the main setlist on Expert.

Portal: Still Alive
More gold ranks on the challenge maps than I would have expected to have.

Rock Band 2
Completed the Endless Setlist 2 (playthrough of all 84 songs on the game disc; takes about 6 hours) on Expert in one attempt and without failing (or even pausing).

There is honestly nothing much I can say I've done that's not Sonic-related.  Though I guess it's better than nothing...

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Re: The Video Game Accomplishments Thread
« Reply #83 on: December 21, 2008, 02:54:58 pm »
Also... I beat the Genesis version (which has extra, more difficult levels compared to the SNES version) of The Lost Vikings solo, with a 3-button controller (annoying when you have to drop a bomb while moving, as you use items with Start+C but switching characters is Start+Left/Right, so if your timing's off, you either die because you have to drop that bomb at a specific point, you switch and explode, or somehow you pull it off), on console (i.e. without savestates for the annoying deaths).

I wonder if anyone's hacked that game to put new levels in?

I miss TLV, though i own the second one (SNES), I'm kinda sad that they didn't make more
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
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